Friday, April 8, 2016

One goal down, two to go.

 So This happened! I graduated with my Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice. I am so excited to tell you that I have also been accepted into Arizona State University and have begun my Masters Degree. It is a lot of hard work, but I know it will be totally worth it in the end.

Now I must tell you that I have not accomplished the other part of that goal. I have even gained a lot of that weight back. Depression, anxiety, illnesses, surgeries, they all hit hard for a couple of years and even though those are not the best excuses, they are what I have had to deal with.

Now I am not going to let that keep me from accomplishing my goals. I have finally gotten out of most of those issues and I am working on the ones that I haven't. I am ready to begin again and do what it takes to get to my weight loss goals. I have every intention of becoming a better person as I do so. I can't afford to do Boot Camp anymore, so I have looked for other outlets. I have decided to join the ranks of the HOT MESS online workouts. I have chosen this route because I have a cousin who has done it and is loving it. Her life has changed so much because of it. I have loved watching her transform into something amazing.

So here I go. I have decided to have my cry over the past and I have grieved. I am ready to wash my face, trust God and Embrace the life I have. I can do this. I am worth it. I am Amazing!

Have A beautiful day

A Dream of  Blues

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


It has been way too long since my last post. I have not lost a lot of weight, but I have continued to lose inches. I began my journey at Boot camp in July wearing a size 28 dress. Tonight I put on a size 22 dress and it fit. I was so excited. It was comfortable and I actually liked the way I looked in it. It makes me feel good when I put something smaller on and it fits. I also tried on some other clothes and I can now wear some tops in a size large. It is a fantastic feeling. My form fitting pants are still big because of my hips. I know that they will start to disappear eventually, but they seem to be the last things to hang on. Everything else keeps getting smaller. Anyway, it has been a journey for sure. As of December 31, I am no longer going to BootCamp. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to begin my journey there. It helped me get a really good start to my weight loss and I have gained a greater love of myself. Jesse helped me a lot and I love him for that. I wish I could keep going. It was just getting too expensive to keep traveling that far. I have my gym membership and my wonderful trainer friends that are going to continue to help me out. Katrina helped me a ton and I added her to my life about 3 months after starting boot camp. She taught me some great workouts I could do at home to help me out when I was at a standstill on my weight loss. Then I met Suzy. She has been such a great help with my injuries, she has taught me how to do some of the exercises in ways that would not bother them. I also have my wonderful TOPS friends. TOPS is a fantastic program. The name stands for this "Taking Off Pounds Sensibly". It is a support group and a place that you can be recognized for losing weight. If anyone is ever interested in hearing more, I will gladly tell you about it. The people I have in my chapter are amazing and loving and such incredible people. They all struggle with the same struggles and they are there to help cheer you on as you try to reach your goals. I love them! Many of my friends, neighbors, and family members were so supportive and you still are. It is wonderful to have such a wonderful support system. I couldn't have done any of this without all of you. I greatly appreciate your love and support. My goals this year are to continue to do well and I know that as long as I am eating the right things, it will work. Now to just start eating the right things! I haven't been very good lately. I haven't gained any weight, but I have been stuck in the same place for a very long time. So it is, I will be eating healthy. I love you all and I apologize for the long and drawn out update. I promise to blog more. Love, Me!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bootcamp rocks

Have I told you that I love Bootcamp?? I love my Bootcamp family and I love the support we all show for each other, even when we are dying and can barely move, we still cheer each other on and encourage each other to keep going. It makes me happy!

Today was good. Loved the workout at Bootcamp and I also went to the gym with my friend Sheryl. It was tons of fun. Katrina gave us a good workout and we had a good time. 

So tired, so sore. Glad that tomorrow I only have one workout. My back is kind of hurting. It is in a place that is hard to stretch. Maybe I need to put a heat pad or something on it. I don't know. I do know that ibuprofen is on the diet today!! 

I have been doing really good in regards to eating healthy. I have stayed away from the cookies and candy and have eaten so much healthier. I refuse to give up my hot chocolate. It's gettin cold!!! 

My weight has started coming down again (I know, surprise!!) or's all about the eating!!! 

So that is today's post. Hope you all have a fabulous evening. :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gonna feel it in the morning

Today is endurance leg day. I endured it. Twice. 

Killer workout and if I wasn't a glutton for punishment, I would have walked out the door before the 9amers showed up.......ahem.....well one of them anyway. Alas I stayed and did the workout with the pt that showed up. 

Sitting in class tonight was fine, until I had to move. Then I didn't like it so much. 


Here is the most recent picture of me. Hope you are all well. Thanks for all the great support!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

To the men and women who have willingly put their lives on the line to protect my freedom and this great country, I say to you 

I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many good friends and family who have willingly served this country. I would feel very ungrateful if I didn't say Thank you. 

Today was good. I felt good and my knee held up pretty well. I was able to run at a 5.0 today. I'm hoping this is the beginning of better knee days. My shoulder was having trouble, but is survived. Pretty sure there is a storm coming in. It tends to act up when that happens. I've been trying to do better with my eating again. I got a little lax and allowed myself to eat things that are not necessarily bad, but also not on the diet. I have maintained my weight but not lost. The inches are still coming off though!! 

Tomorrow is a new day. :) I am so thankful for  the people in my life who have helped me to change. Thank you all for the support!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fourth and accountability <---yes I did just make a football joke

I start my forth session tomorrow. Fourth!! When I began my journey, I had no intentions of staying with it this long. My measurements keep going down and I am having to buy new clothes just to keep them on my body. I have been blessed with several gifts that have helped me to get some clothes that fit. I have some very awesome friends and family. 

I bought a couple nice shirts this weekend thanks to a gift from a friend.  Both shirts were the most expensive clothing items I have ever bought in my life. I bought them from the regular women's section, not the "big" section. I love them. 

I feel different. I feel happier, healthier, and stronger. Bootcamp has made a huge difference in my life. It has changed my life for the better. I know that without Bootcamp, I never would have done it or still be doing it. Yes the song from WICKED "For Good" is going through my head. (My life is a song)

I have recently been going to a trainer to use up some training sessions I have been paying for at my old gym. I have stuck with her for several weeks and I know that has helped as well. She is awesome!!

 I have lost 23 inches around my stomach now. When I think about how big that is, it is crazy. Seriously that is one inch short of 2 feet!! I was watching a video of one of my voice recitals and I couldn't believe how big I was!!! Insanity!!!  Maybe I will post it for you to see. Just don't judge me for my vocal skills.

I am truly looking forward to starting this new session and kicking it into gear!! I'm going to start blogging every day again to keep myself accountable. Instructor Thomas, I give you permission to drop me if I don't stay accountable.

Thanks for being such awesome supportive people. You are all the best ever!!! <------link to see how big I was. That was not my biggest, but it gives you an idea. Those clothes are way too big on me now!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Two Weeks! Oops!

Well, I just realized that I didn't blog last week. Shameful. I should drop for that. Maybe later.

I hope you are all doing well. I am excited to tell you all about the last few days.

Today was the last day of my 16th week. 16 weeks! And I haven't missed a Friday, yet! I am doing really well, with the exception of my knee being hurt. I go to the doctor in two weeks. If I can just nurse it along until then, I will be good. Some days are worse than others with it. Take today for example. I had to improvise a lot today. Yesterday, hardly at all. So day by day I figure things out and change things up to do them and still keep going.

Yesterday and one other day a few weeks ago, I had the wonderful (Cough, cough) opportunity to train by myself at bootcamp. I was the only one to show up, Again. It was a hard workout too! He really kicked my behind yesterday. I was sore by the time I got home! I felt it today too. Crazy hard workout. So all you awesome PT's that are supposed to be coming to boot camp, You all missed out! You should all be jealous! OH, and Get your behinds back to UTAH! I need you! :) Missed you all yesterday, if you couldn't tell.

I absolutely love Boot camp! It makes me happy. Seriously! I still hate getting out of bed every morning, I still hate driving all the way to Murray every day, but I am happy to be doing it. My life has changed a lot. I used to get out of breath walking up the stairs to my condo every day. Now I can walk up and feel fine. Half the time I race my kids up the stairs now. It is fun. Another thing, I RUN with my kids! I do! It is fun to run with them and not be walking behind them. I can do more things that I would have never dared do before. I sleep better, I feel better, I am not sick as much as I used to be. I often get the urge to go walking or running now. These things have so changed my life.

I have run 3...count them 1- Electric Run, 2- Color me Rad, and 3-Autumn Rush, 5k's. That is correct. I have run 3. Crazy! I don't even think I could have Walked one before I did boot camp. I keep seeing 5k races being posted on facebook and I wonder when I will be crazy enough to do another. My kids like the 5k's too. Every time I sign up for one they ask if they can come too. They love that I can do more with them than I used to.

I don't spend as much time sitting around as I used to either. I can't stand to sit for very is about killing me in that regard. I do love school though. I am learning a ton and moving along quickly.

Anyway, What I am getting at is this: I FEEL AWESOME!

I can see the difference in my body, I can tell when things fit better, I can feel the difference, and I know you have all been able to see the difference too. I don't know if you can tell if my energy is different or not, but I can tell it is.

I couldn't have done any of this without all of you. I have been so blessed to have so many people watching me change. It has been nice to have people to be accountable to. I haven't lost a lot this go around, but I am losing inches and gaining muscle. I hope to keep hearing feedback from all of you.

If you ever feel like you can't do it. Please know that you can! I did! If I can do it, ANYONE CAN!!

PT Miller